Vahdam Mobilizes COVID Fund

Vahdam India this week donated $50,000 to launch a fundraiser as part of #RiseTogetherForIndia, a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. Donations will assist the non-profit Doctors for You deliver relief services across India. The company seeks to mobilize tea drinkers worldwide to set up temporary COVID treatment facilities, acquire oxygen cylinders and concentrators and facilitate rapid vaccination efforts. India reported more than three million on new COVID cases in the past two weeks. Eighteen million are currently infected.

Funds totaled $86,000 from 225 donors with 14 days remaining in the campaign.

This effort is part of the crowdsourced $100 million Coronavirus Relief Fund.

Doctors for You 100 bed COVID Care Facility at Shehnai Banquet Hall New Delhi

Doctors For You

Covid-19 has emerged as a pandemic affecting the entire globe. This has tested public health preparedness to the optimum level even in developed countries who are still struggling to deal with the situation. In India as of 30 April 2021 there were 18.8 million cases of Covid-19 reported with 208,000 deaths.

Covid-19 has created fear and made us realize how bad this can turn out to be for the poorest, for those who will lose their livelihood, or those who wouldn’t know what to do to save themselves when the virus has reached someone close to them. It has also put additional strain on the already challenged healthcare system.

Doctors for You is operating 15 locations including 45-bed rural Covid Care dedicated Hospital (CCDH) in Anekal, Karnataka and another in Yelahanka General Hospital a which is 33-bed facility having 3 HDU beds and 30 oxygen beds.

Learn more about Doctors for You


WHO, UNICEF and other organizations are rushing staff and supplies to India to help fight the crushing tide of new cases. UNICEF is delivering critical oxygen concentrators and diagnostic testing systems, hygiene supplies and PPE kits to protect health care workers.

Learn more about UNICEF

Indian Red Cross Society

The Red Cross is responding with disaster resources including the delivery of medical supplies and emergency services across India. In March Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Chairman of the Indian Red Cross Society inaugurated a Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Testing Facility at the IRCS NHQ Blood Centre. He also inaugurated three fully equipped vehicles, including two blood collection vans which would be used to hold blood camps and add blood units to the Red Cross Blood Centre.

Lear more about Indian Red Cross Society

Mission Oxygen

Hospitals urgently need oxygen cylinders and concentrators across India. Mission Oxygen is a crowd funded volunteer effort organized by 250 young entrepreneurs to raise funds to locate and distribute thousands of concentrators and cylinders the fund had raised $3.8 million from 28,000 donors as of the first of May.

Learn more about Mission Oxygen

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Dan Bolton Publisher
Dan founded Tea Journey Magazine (2015), the Tea Biz Blog | Podcast (2013), and is the tea editor at STiR Coffee and Tea. He is the former editor and publisher of World Tea News (2010) and Tea Magazine (2012) and the former editor-in-chief at San Francisco-based Specialty Coffee Retailer (2007) and Natural Food Magazine (2004).
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