• India Reviews Raw Leaf Price-Sharing Formula

    India's formula for small tea growers (STGs) and bought leaf factories (BLFs) determines split of auction prices
    India’s small tea growers (STGs) and bought-leaf factories (BLFs) split the average auction prices within growing regions according to a formula last revised in 2013.
    Tea News for the week ending June 23

    | Consultants BDO India has six months to complete an extensive report on cultivation and processing costs
    | US Fast-food Outlets Have Yet to Rollout Boba Nationally
    | The European Speciality Tea Association Offers Tea Barista Foundation Certificates to Coffee Shop Staff

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    Tea Biz travels to Sri Lanka to attend the Dilmah School of Tea hosted by Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company CEO Dilhan C. Fernando. The school teaches that knowledge inspires passion. In this interview, Fernando shares his passion for modernizing the tea experience for consumers ordering tea at restaurants, hotels, and resorts.

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    Dilhan C. Fernando, CEO Dilmah Ceylon Tea

    India Tea Board to Review Tea Price-Sharing Formula

    By Dan Bolton

    Raw leaf price sharing, implemented in 2004 and revised in 2013, protects tea smallholders and ensures that bought leaf factories (BLF) retain enough of the final auction price to operate profitably.

    This week the Tea Board of India hired consulting firm BDO India to review the current split, which varies by region—smallholders in the West Bengal tea belt currently receive 58%, and BLFs received 42% of the average auction price paid for tea. In Assam, the formula is 60% for STGs (small tea growers) and 40% for the factories that process smallholder tea.

    Bijoy Gopal Chakraborty, President of CISTA (Confederation of Indian Small Tea Growers Association), has pressed for a revision of the formula for several years.

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  •  Thirst-Quenching Cold Brew Teas

    Chinese Cold Brew Retail Concept
    A popular new Chinese cold brew tea retail concept
    Tea News for the week ending June 9

    | As Temperatures Rise, Tea is Ideally Suited to Quench the World’s Thirst
    Consumers favor boldly flavored, non-sweetened blends
    | Kenya’s Costly Tea Crisis
    | The Tea Association of India Lists Industry Concerns

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    Tea Biz traveled to Sri Lanka in May to speak with Romesh Walpola, CEO of Tea Smallholder Factories, at his offices in Colombo. Walpola later arranged a visit to the Neluwa Madagama Tea Factory, one of the company’s seven bought-leaf factories. Combined, these factories produce three million kilos of black tea a year. Walpola explains that investing in training, wellness, and educational programs, including internships for second-generation farmers, earns the loyalty of thousands of small tea growers and is one reason why the company’s teas get top dollar at auction.

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    Romesh Walpola, CEO, Tea Smallholder Factories

    Cold Brew is Steaming Ahead

    Globally as temperatures rise, thirst-quenching iced and cold-brewed teas are experiencing a boost in demand. The global market for cold-brewed teas, estimated at $215 million in 2020, is small but fast-growing, with cafes, on-tap, and ready-to-drink opportunities.

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  • International Tea Day Makes a Big Splash

    International Tea Day 2023
    International Tea Day 2023

    Tea News for the week ending May 19

    | International Tea Day Makes a Big Splash
    This year’s theme is Bringing People Together Over a Cup of Tea

    | Receding La Niña Expected to Boost Summer Temps

    | Catchy TV Campaign Promotes Lipton’s New Hard Tea

    PLUS Tea Biz travels to Montréal, Quebec, to talk with Nadia de la Vega, director of tea sustainability and content at DAVIDsTEA, a company that fosters a spirit of POSITIVI-TEA which she describes as doing what’s right for both our local communities and global suppliers. Jessica Natale Woollard reports.

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    International Tea Day Celebrations Expand Globally

    Enthusiasm for the United Nations-designated International Tea Day is peaking this year as tea associations, governments, and brands join the May 21 tribute. The global tea industry increased production from 4.3 to 6.5 billion kilos from 2009-2019, enabling tea drinkers to enjoy 8.2 billion cups daily. A few of the many activities are linked below.

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  • Global Tea Forum Makes a Splendid Return

    Panels explored tea production, trade, logistics, innovation, and sustainability
    Tea News for the week ending April 28
    | The Global Dubai Forum Makes a Splendid Return
    DMCC Executive Chairman and CEO Ahmed bin Sulayem commits to a biennial schedule for future conferences

    | South India Planters Name 18 Golden Tea Leaf India Award Winners

    | Indian Tea Association Presses for a Tea Price Floor Indexed to Rising Production Costs Borne by Smallholders and Made Leaf Producers

    PLUS This week, Tea Biz discusses various revealing consumer trends and beverage insights with Siân Edwards, Group Insights Manager at Finlays. She says the outlook for the beverage industry is positive, with consumers making good choices for the planet and themselves.

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    Dubai Remains World’s Top Tea Re-Exporter

    A five-year pandemic-forced hiatus lent this year’s gathering of tea executives the atmosphere of a reunion on April 25-27. Three hundred attendees got reacquainted with each other and the impressive expansion of services at the Dubai Multi Commodities Center (DMCC).  

    Director of Agri Commodities Saeed Al Suwaidi, named to the post in January 2022, said that the DMCC Tea Center played a major role in positioning Dubai as the world’s largest re-exporter of tea.

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  • A Billion People Support Earth Day

    Earth Day Activities
    Click to view the Earth Day video

    Tea News for the week ending April 14

    | A Billion People Participate in Earth Day Activities
    Earth Day Organizers Honor Just Ice Tea Founder Seth Goldman

    | Iran Snubs India Suppliers as Tea Exports Set Record

    | Long-Running Drought in Kenya Depresses Tea Yields

    | PLUS Vahdam Tea founder Bala Sarda is launching a new line of 25 Indian spices grown free of adulterants and pesticides and manufactured without artificial colors. Initially, Vahdam spices will be sold directly to consumers and later offered in grocery stores.

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