The European Speciality Tea Association’s collaborative approach to tea training

Education is the very core of what we do and believe. We aim to become the leading authority in education within the speciality tea sector and will achieve this through awarding recognised, authentic, verified and transparent certification. – David Veal, Executive Director European Speciality Tea Association. 

A one-day Introduction to the tea industry’s newest professional certification program will be rolled out in March. Initially 12 European Speciality Tea Association Authorized Tea Certifiers (ATCs) will offer this course. Certifiers are based in Sweden, Denmark, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, and Germany. Covid-19 restrictions mean that training initially will be delivered online. This enables students from anywhere in the world to enroll.

Reviews and beta testing have so far shown very positive and encouraging results.

Alexis Kaae, vice president and Head of Education for ESTA said ‘This will be an inspirational and sensory journey into the newly unearthed world of speciality tea’

Liesbeth Sleijster, one of the initial ATCs from the Netherlands, added “we are launching this course hopefully as we come out of Covid restrictions and it will be like giving birth to tea in a new time.”

Register here if you are interested in becoming an ESTA Authorized Tea Certifier or if you would like to register for the introduction to tea module. Also keep watching for further modules which will be introduced throughout this year and remember that members of ESTA are eligible for discount off the prices of certification. Full information about the Tea Certification Programme will be added to this website very soon.

The Tea Certification Programme

·       Instructors are ESTA Authorized Tea Certifiers. They can be individual educators, tea schools or academies, or work for a company.

·       The Authorized Tea Certifiers will issue ESTA certificates which, as the programme grows, will become recognized throughout the tea industry as authoritative and synonymous with quality. It is expected that employers will refer to ESTA certification to help them recruit, and individuals will use certification to help their career progression

·       The attainment of a certificate will also carry points for the student which when accumulated will help attain the ESTA Diploma

·       Apart from the first module, Introduction to Tea, all subjects will be taught and certified at three levels, foundation, intermediate and advanced

·       Introduction to Tea will be available from 1st March initially due to current Covid restrictions, on line

·       The next modules to be released. later in 2021, will be Camellia sinensis, botanicals, hospitality and tea barista skills, followed by sensory skills, cultivation and processing, starting and running a tea business, sustainability and tea history, culture and ceremony

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Dan Bolton Publisher
Dan founded Tea Journey Magazine (2015), the Tea Biz Blog | Podcast (2013), and is the tea editor at STiR Coffee and Tea. He is the former editor and publisher of World Tea News (2010) and Tea Magazine (2012) and the former editor-in-chief at San Francisco-based Specialty Coffee Retailer (2007) and Natural Food Magazine (2004).
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