International Tea Day Makes a Splash

Enthusiasm for the United Nations-designated International Tea Day is peaking this year as tea associations, governments, and brands join in the May 21 tribute to a global tea industry that has increased production from 4.3 to 6.5 billion kilos in the past decade, enabling tea drinkers to enjoy 8.2 billion cups a day. A few of the many activities are linked below.

  • Caption: Tea is celebrated worldwide on International Tea Day (Sunday, May 21, 2023).
Overview of International Tea Day Activities

Bringing People Together Over a Cup of Tea

By Dan Bolton

The United Nations designated International Tea Day to encourage sustainable production and consumption of tea. This year’s theme is Bringing People Together Over a Cup of Tea. The online and in-person event at the FAO Atrium and tea tasting in Flag Hall is Sunday, May 21, from 2 pm to 3:45 (Rome Time Zone) and will focus on smallholder tea producers, reaffirming the FAO’s commitment to help overcome the challenges they face. Smallholders now produce 60% of the world’s tea, employing millions. The UN website offers several useful reports on how the industry can support the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Reports include International Tea Market: Market Situation, Prospects, and Emerging Issues; Tea Outlook 2027 and Emerging Trends in Tea Consumption.

The European Speciality Tea Association announced a Zoom fundraiser to support women in tea. Promoted as the world’s biggest sipping event, the online gathering begins at 2 pm (British Summer Time) on Sunday, May 21.

“We plan to invite more than 1000 people worldwide to raise a cup in unison to celebrate this amazing beverage generating 1000 pounds sterling before and during the event to empower women in tea management. Women have been marginalized in the tea-making process and other management leadership roles within the tea industry, and we want to be a catalytic force to initiate change there. The hour-long event will be recorded for viewing on demand. Visit to register.

Line up

  • Paola Cruz is a wellbeing influencer @practicewithpaola will talk about tea and wellbeing and how to infuse this in your life.
  • Virginia Lovelace, author and tea scientist, will talk about improving your tea experience at home.
  • Nepal tea collective sisters will talk about their life in tea.
  • Muskan Khanna will talk about being one of the youngest women tea makers.
  • Madelaine Au will talk about organizing a successful tea event in Oregon.
  • Lucy (Mynt Mynt) Shwe from Mother’s Love Tea in Myanmar will speak about the uniqueness of Burmese tea culture.
  • Bernadine Tay from Quinteassential is a Founding Director of the European Speciality Tea Association and will host and moderate the event.

Expo Té Argentina, in Posadas, Misiones, is a three-day event marking the 100th anniversary of commercial tea production. The event is May 25-27 and includes garden tours, a tea business conference, an exposition, and a tea fair. Learn more…

• Tea product business round: May 26 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. 
• Expo May 25 and 26 from 4 to 9 pm 
• Tour with Producers of the enterprises: May 27

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The Chinese Tea Culture Center in Antwerp will host a tea meditation and tea circle from 3-6 pm on Sunday, May 21. The Belgium Chinese Tea Culture Association is a non-governmental and not-for-profit culture association whose mission is to promote peace, harmony, and respect for the ECO nature and humanity in society through tea and tea serving.

The Tea and Herbal Association of Canada will host its 4th annual Sofa Summit on Friday, May 19, from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm (Eastern Daylight Time). Join THAC President Shabnam Weber for 11 hours of conversations with tea experts, tea association representatives, and growers worldwide.

The inaugural Eugene Tea Festival will be held at the Farmer’s Market Pavilion in Eugene, Oregon, from 10 am to 4 pm (Pacific Daylight Time). Organizers invite participants to enjoy tea tastings, educational workshops, and a vibrant marketplace. Learn more…

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Listen to the interview

Jessica Woollard discusses Eugene Tea Festival with organizer Madelaine Au

The Tea Day theme for this year’s German Tea & Herbal Infusions Association events is The Whole World in My Cup.

Teeverband board member Annemarie Leniger explained the ambitious goals of the industry: “Teas, in all their diversity, are not only part of a highly developed culture of enjoyment, but they are also becoming increasingly important as a valuable, natural food in this country. As a commodity, tea builds bridges between the continents, connects young and old tea fans, and should further promote economic developments in the countries of origin if German tea manufacturers have their way.” 

European Tea Day organizers announced the inaugural June 2 celebration in Brussels with panel discussions describing the European tea market, new ways of attracting next-generation tea drinkers, and a tasting session. Learn more…

Key Takeaways

  • Tea export earnings help to finance food import bills, supporting the economies of major tea-producing countries.
  • The tea sector contributes to socioeconomic development, representing a major source of employment and income for millions of poor families worldwide.
  • Tea thrives in specific agro-ecological conditions and environments, often impacted by climate change.
  • In order to ensure benefits for both people and the environment, the tea value chain must be efficient and sustainable at all stages, from field to cup.

Did You Know?

  • Tea cultivation provides employment and income to millions of smallholder growers, who supplement or even replace the production of larger tea estates in many countries.
  • While three-quarters of the tea produced is consumed domestically, tea is a widely traded commodity.
  • Over the past decades, the global tea industry has grown rapidly, with rising consumers globally.
  • Despite the increase in tea consumption in the major producing countries, per capita consumption remains low, suggesting considerable growth potential exists.

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Dan Bolton Publisher
Dan founded Tea Journey Magazine (2015), the Tea Biz Blog | Podcast (2013), and is the tea editor at STiR Coffee and Tea. He is the former editor and publisher of World Tea News (2010) and Tea Magazine (2012) and the former editor-in-chief at San Francisco-based Specialty Coffee Retailer (2007) and Natural Food Magazine (2004).
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